Take a Tour

Welcome to fastloop...the online gathering place for runners, triathletes and athletically-minded people of all kinds.

Why set up a profile here? Just start clicking around and you'll see. Maybe it's how easy it makes it to stay connected to your friends and teammates. Maybe it's the training log or the expert fitness articles. Maybe you want to a place to store all your race results and graphically compare them...and then also compare them to other members' results (aw yeah). Or maybe it's just the price-- zero.

Look, who knows why we do half the things in life we do, but we're pretty sure if you walk / run / bike / swim or do any combination of the latter--whether for fun or in competition--you belong here at fastloop.

Now get clicking... and get in the loop!


Too cool! Psyched to start keeping a blog so my friends and family can follow my path of pain as I train for the NYC marathon this fall...

Kate G., Austin, TX

This thing is awesome-- so much easier to navigate than other sites, plus way more features. Finally a REAL social network for triathletes, runners, cyclists, etc. Great job!

Dan M., La Jolla, CA

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